Sunday, November 6, 2011


friends, people who are there for each other through gkood and bad times.
i have a rare severe chronic disease and i did almost die,  lost alot of friends, but my best friends stayed.
better now :)

so, let me tell you this, you say one more time that you dont want to bother my family or me with your problems then i will scream!
you are there for me,let me be thnere for you! damnit! frien dship is a two way street!
im not just someone who doesnt care about whats going on in your life.

but seriosly?  my moms best friend from her childhood dies and she didnt find out a year later when she tried looking her up on face book? my mom didnt even get to go to her funeral! HER B EST FRIEND!! 
her moms exscuse?
i didnt want to worry you or trouble you with it!
wow,  cant get much lower then that!

i have a chronic disease, but i am not without emotions. i love my friends and family deeply. please let me in your life! i dont mind. i like to feel that i can be there for you too, just like your there for me.

adam lambert slip ;)

the other day i was talking to mom sayin how adam lambert was born in 82, me in 92. my parents are ten years apart so ive always been okay with older men in the 10 year range. so upon findi9ng this ouit i said " mom, did you know adam lambert was born in 82? which only makes him 10 years older!' so i continued to tell my mom that i could marry him in the future, hes not to old for me. and i didnt see a problem with that?  and as my mom pro1cessed what i said she had told me, "yeah, no problem there... except that hes gay" and i almost fell off the couch laughing bc i had completely forgot that!
if only, if only :/

Sunday, August 7, 2011

birthday stuff

yay so yesterday was my 19th birthday and it was so aawsome! i got brett dennens cd loverboy, a triazzle puzzle, some blank cds, nail polish, an awsome trace adkins shirt, and a flip video camera!!! and today i went swimming with my freind and shegot mesome awsome earings! it was wonderrful :D

Monday, July 25, 2011

okay so heres a list of what ive been through sense 2008

got diagnosed with chronic disease
almost died (doctor had to talk to my rents about the possibility of it happening so not embelashing)
gaul bladder removed
kidney failure
and thats prett much all the big things that happend to me, got any questions about it then message me or comment or whatever it is you do:P

stuff you can do to piss me off

1. being stupid

2. asking stupid questions (they deserve stupid answers)

3. not using your common sense

4. bad GRAMMER

5. acting like something your not, being fake

6. people who think your better, there's a difference in being self confident and being snotty

7. smoking, your killing yourself and killing people around you, im not sorry for you when you get cancer.

8. people who take everything literal

9. people who literally say literally for everything!

10. homework

11. when people say stuff to you that has no reply and you just gotta smile and nod, what do you want from me?

12. when you think you have a right to my food or drink, you better get your disgusting filthy hands off my food and dont put your mouth on my straw!

13. shaking hands, i dont know where your hands have been, why would i want to touch them?

14. pointing at your wrist when you ask what time it is, i know where i keep my watch idiot

15. sore winners or losers, get over yourselves

16. people who dont know the difference of there, they're, and their

17. vegetarians or vegans wanting to make you feel bad for eating meat, ima order stake. im a member of peta people eating tasty animals, not gonna change.

18. people who do what theyre not supposed to do and then are surprised and angry for getting in trouble for doing it???? what do you mean your in trouble for braking the rules, i thought you could do whatever you wanted when you wanted :O

19. people who cut themselves or put themselves down, get over yourselves your life could be worse! are you dying? (besides you trying to kill yourself)

20. people who say its always the last place you look... kinda stating the obvious.

21. people who wont let you have your cake and eat it too, why would i want it if i couldnt eat it?

22. when you get out of the hospital and the first thing people say to you is "are you feeling better" O.O no, i actually feel worse than i felt when i went to the hospital and the doctor told me to come home bc he was just tired of working and told me to deal with it?

23. when people say " life is short " i believe its the longest thing you will ever do, if you wanna say this to mean something you should say life CAN be short. that would make more sense. just sayin.

24. when im in school and you ask to borrow a peice of paper, im pretty sure you can have it im not greedy over one sheet of paper and im not gonna meet you later for you to give me a peice of paper, i have plenty.

1. being stupid

2. asking stupid questions (they deserve stupid answers)

3. not using your common sense

4. bad GRAMMER

5. acting like something your not, being fake

6. people who think your better, there's a difference in being self confident and being snotty

7. smoking, your killing yourself and killing people around you, im not sorry for you when you get cancer.

8. people who take everything literal

9. people who literally say literally for everything!

10. homework

11. when people say stuff to you that has no reply and you just gotta smile and nod, what do you want from me?

12. when you think you have a right to my food or drink, you better get your disgusting filthy hands off my food and dont put your mouth on my straw!

13. shaking hands, i dont know where your hands have been, why would i want to touch them?

14. pointing at your wrist when you ask what time it is, i know where i keep my watch idiot

15. sore winners or losers, get over yourselves

16. people who dont know the difference of there, they're, and their

17. vegetarians or vegans wanting to make you feel bad for eating meat, ima order stake. im a member of peta people eating tasty animals, not gonna change.

18. people who do what theyre not supposed to do and then are surprised and angry for getting in trouble for doing it???? what do you mean your in trouble for braking the rules, i thought you could do whatever you wanted when you wanted :O

19. people who cut themselves or put themselves down, get over yourselves your life could be worse! are you dying? (besides you trying to kill yourself)

20. people who say its always the last place you look... kinda stating the obvious.

21. when people say life is short, i believe its pretty mush the longest thing you do. if you want to use this in a way to explain something then you should prolly say life CAN be short.

22. when i go to the hospital for not feeling well and i come back home, the FIRST thing people ask is are you feeling better O.O no i actually feel worse thats why the doctor let me come home.

23. when people ask for little things like paper, just say may i have. im not gonna go to you later and be like, wheres my piece of paper?

24. when you dont support gay marriage. yes you have your opinion whatever its wrong. heres mine. denying them marriage isnt gonna make them stop loving each other. and how is it going to hurt you if theyre married? you dont have to go to their wedding or get them a gift. i dont see the big deal.

25. bad parenting, i was taught not to miss behave in public you kids can be taught too

26. no manners, i will say something to you if you eat with your mouth open or talk with it full, and if you dont stop im not eating with you.

27. when you dont stand up for yourself, cmon dont let anyone treat you bad!

28. when you dont want to make a decision, serioussly tell me where you want to go or want and well do it

29. people who will just agree bc they dont want to say they dont want to or dont like it?

30. when people always say yes to a question. its a question! they usually have yes or no answers and bc you were asked you can say no, im pretty sure thats why you were asked.

31. dont ask me a question you already no the answer to, im not on trial.

32. dont offer to do something when you dont want to do it. ex: i would do it if i could.... well then you do it, it doesnt have my name on it! seriously you do it

33. saying you want anything? or can i get you anything? yes, i would like 10 dollars and a happy meal please :)

34. the people who like stuff on facebook when what theyre liking requires an answer. if you like an answer then like the freaking answer!

35. people who dont know the common rule of putting an instead of a when it comes before a vowel?

starting a blog, and why?

starting a blog cause im bored and i was like, hey ill start a blog so i can say whats on my mind and cuss and do whatever the hell i want. cause i dont want to offend any of the precious little babys on face book who think everythings about them. even if it is i didnt include your name so that if you ask me is that about me? i can say noooooo its someone else or its about a show i watched or whatever lol. so like my dad wont let me cuss on facebook. he wont even let me put wtf on. im 19 people!!!!!!!!!! im allowed to cuss im sorry if you old folks get offended but you know what? i dont do it alot and if i do its prolly bc im mad or it need to be said. sorry dad we're not a perfect family and pretending to be is stupid. id honestly rather do a vlog but im self conscious of what i look like or how i would sound or w/e plus dont really have a camera for that and my webcam sucks dick.